5 simple things you might not be doing that can increase your social media engagement

With the rise of technology, social media platforms have transformed into a marketing and promotional playground for businesses both big and small. Algorithms change so frequently, so it is understandable that many individuals find it hard to keep audiences engaged. It’s enough to get you thinking that there must be an easier way.


Although quality content should be regularly churned out, you’ll be glad to know there are some simple ways to attract more engagement to your page with no cost.


So here are Admire PR’s 5 cheat tricks to the world of social media engagement.


Email Footers


Whenever you send an email, having an automatic footer on the end of your email can always be wise in promoting yourself as a professional. However, by adding the details of your social media to the bottom, it is a great way to subtly hint that you are there to be followed. We all email multiple people daily, so a large sum of people will have been hinted to follow.


Shouting yourself out


Social media platforms are so different from one another. You are likely to have groups of individuals who only follow your LinkedIn or only follow your Twitter, for example. By mentioning a post from another platform, you can shift those who only know you on one platform to check out your content on another.


Word of Mouth


Okay yes, we are always on about word of mouth at Admire PR – but as we always say – everything you say or do is PR. When networking, you tend to offer each other favours to help. When someone asks what would help you, tell them a little favour would be to like and comment on your content. This will work with the algorithm to get your posts seen more.




Mentioning your social media accounts in a blog or newspaper is a great way to rack up engagement on your pages. It gives those snooping on your website the opportunity to follow you, and be shown how trustworthy you are as a company.


Posting Stories


Something really hot in the social media world is stories. These can be used to attract audiences to your page. This could be as simple as a post informing your audience of a new tips and tricks post being uploaded, or even reposting the post on your story so that followers can simply click and arrive at your content.


So there you have it, 5 simple and effective ways to increase engagement – which ones work best for you?

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