Where SEO Meets PR

What is SEO?


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing your contents visibility and ranking on search engines. This is done through including the relevant keywords spread throughout your content, link building, and much more. 


In PR, optimising content is vital to ensure it reaches more people. It spreads your message and boosts your company’s visibility. SEO can be done on any piece of content, whether it is your blog page, social media profile and posts, white papers, even your press releases. You want your content to be found by as many people within your target audience as possible. 


Objectives of SEO and PR


SEO and PR share at least two common objectives, including:


  • Brand Awareness


Both strategies focus on building awareness of your business. Awareness and consistency in your brand helps cement trust in your audience, especially if you’re featured on important third-party websites. 


  • Relevant Coverage


SEO and PR both ensure that the coverage you get through optimising your content reaches the relevant audiences. If you align your two strategies, you will get the coverage you want and hit the right people for your business.


Optimising Your Content 


When writing your amazing content for your PR strategy, you need to research key words and phrases that are the most relevant to your brand. These should be chosen by how you want your audience to perceive your brand, as well as the way your competitors describe themselves.  The words your customers and clients search for when reviewing your products and services should also be considered when deciding your key words. Incorporate these words throughout your work, but don’t over do it. Search engines like Google will know, and your content will not be ranked as highly as you hope. 


You can learn more about creating eye-catching content by downloading Admire’s white paper.


Make It Easy to Read


When developing your content, you want to ensure it is easily readable and engaging. The longer your audience spends on your content, the higher they will rank in search engines. Break up your written content into sections, use bullet points and numbers, and increase your white space. If you fill your content with lots of words, people will struggle to read it and not bother continuing to the end. White space ensures the reader can pause whilst reading and take in the amazing content you have written. Not only will it make your work look more appealing, but the user experience will be better.


Building Links


What is link building?

Getting other websites to link to yours (also known as backlinks).


Each link is like getting a vote of confidence for your website (Google loves your website more), but not all links are equal. Google likes quality links. As PRs we know that a combination of brand mentions and backlinks from reputable websites will help improve your SEO. 

Ensure all your social platforms and media link back as much as possible. Learn more about building links by visiting SEO specialist Moz’ website. 


Search engines will determine your ranking based on the quantity of external links that point towards your content, as well as how credible (in terms of links) these external sources are. We are Admire PR have started a link building service and recommend committing 3 months to building backlinks if you want to make an impact. Consistency is the key to ensuring a successful strategy. 

SEO and PR go hand in hand when looking at executing an effective strategy that increases brand awareness and increases coverage of your business to your ideal target audience. Get in touch with Admire PR, and our experts can help you not only master your PR strategy, but also implement effective SEO to show off your incredible content!

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