The Easy Guide to a Good Life for Lazy People

More than ever before, social media rams our feeds with people living impossible lives, claiming you HAVE to go travelling or you HAVE to wake up at the crack of dawn and exercise to live a happy and peaceful life. But to that I say b*llocks!

Life is something that can be wonderful without trying, and without having to get up early enough to see it.

To me, the key to happiness is appreciating what you have, even if there doesn’t seem to be much of it. There is. By constantly thinking ‘I wish I had this… I wish I did this’ you end up chasing every little thing that you are not.

The truth is, we have so much already, and so many simple things that can be forgotten and taken for granted. This mindset needs to be broken. Humans are not perfect creatures, so there is always something to chase, something to want. This can become toxic, and create a really negative mindset resulting in a life with little gratitude.

So without telling you to move to Spain, or devote your life to vegetables and the gym – here are 41 things – simple and small – that can increase your happiness from day to day… Have fun!

  1. Running yourself a bath
  2. Have a favourite mug for your tea
  3. Use a pencil case again
  4. Watch a stream run
  5. Find a waterfall
  6. Watch ducks swimming
  7. Have your own theme tune
  8. Smell a horse’s nose (For horse lovers!)
  9. Smiling at strangers when you lock eye contact instead of looking away
  10. Smiling at yourself in the mirror each day
  11. Dancing to your favourite records
  12. Learning to make your favourite meals
  13. Petting animals
  14. Complimenting others
  15. Reflecting on your efforts in any aspect (home or work) and learning to be proud of it
  16. Saying Goodnight to yourself before bed
  17. Hugging someone
  18. Buying yourself flowers
  19. Listening to the birds
  20. Writing or reading of any kind
  21. Learning a random word in a new language or a word you’ve never heard before
  22. Charity shopping
  23. Finding a new way to walk to somewhere you regularly walk to
  24. Drawing without expecting it to be any good
  25. Stargazing
  26. Watching the sun set
  27. Lighting a candle or incense
  28. Doing a face mask (or any form of pampering yourself!)
  29. Traveling somewhere you’ve never been, even if it’s a coffee shop 20 minutes away
  30. Taking a minute outside to breathe and appreciate nature
  31. Taking a slow morning where you do not rush
  32. Playing games that do not involve technology in any way
  33. People watch and make up what life they have
  34. Hugging your childhood teddy
  35. Changing your bed sheets or buying new ones
  36. Fresh air
  37. Stretching or simple yoga
  38. Seeing a dear family member or friend
  39. Investing in new fluffy socks
  40. Investing in a house plant (can be good for the air!)
  41. Investing in a cosy blanket
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