Work Experience at Admire PR

Phoebe came to Admire PR for work experience and this is her story of her week with us…


Some background about me and how I got to Admire PR…

I am 17 years old and I am currently in my first year of Sixth Form. I had always shown some interest in the PR and marketing world, so when my dad told me about Admire PR and Andrea, I knew that it was right for me!

Day 1…

The first day was a great introduction to Admire PR. My first task was to write a blog post surrounding the ‘not so’ secrets of PR. I really enjoyed writing this blog as it gave me a better understanding of what PR actually is.

I also did some work on Linkedin, which was also very helpful as I hadn’t used that platform before. I felt that these tasks really gave an insight into what PR actually is which really helped me further on in the week.

Day 2…

On this day I worked with another colleague to come up with ideas for an event that Andrea is hosting about sustainable communications at Future Leap. We decided that an area that needs to improve their sustainability is sport. This is because sporting events are huge carbon emitters and cutting those emissions will have an extremely positive impact on the environment. 

Another task I did was to come up with some ideas for the social media pages that Admire PR manages. The idea’s i came up with felt really valued as they were actually being used and shows that it wasn’t just a pointless task.

Day 3…

The first thing I did was complete some research on the King’s Award for Enterprise. I learned about just how prestigious this award is and how meaningful it is for a business to win one.

I also was given the opportunity to bring my ideas for the social media posts to come to life. I was able to get creative and come up with images and phrases that were going to be posted onto the company’s social media pages.

I also got stuck into some competitor research and found out what was unique to Admire PR compared to our competitors. It was also interesting to see what other PR agencies do as well.

Day 4…This day was probably my favourite as I joined a business networking call and was able to speak to people who I wouldn’t normally get to. I was able to learn more about different companies and learn more about how different businesses connect with each other and also help each other find new clients.

What I have gained from this week…

What I loved about doing my work experience at Admire PR is that I was doing something meaningful and enjoyable where I was providing value to not only the company but also myself . Many of my friends who have work experience where just doing jobs that the other employees did not want to do and felt that they didn’t gain anything from their time there. The week has allowed me to build my experience and develop new skills that I can apply to so many genres of life.

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