The Top PR Trends for 2022

I’ve dusted off my crystal ball (again!) – what will be relevant for your business in the PR world over the next year? 

2022 comes in the wake of a global pandemic, and during a period of great uncertainty, it is important to regularly assess the environment around you and decide how to approach your business plan. 

Here are some ideas that I think will be relevant for PR over the next year…

Top Factors-

  • It will continue to be important to showcase how you are `doing good’ as a business 
  • There will be a continuation of the importance of local and regional press 
  • There will be a newfound increased importance on all marketing functions being integrated and working together – PR needs to fit seamlessly
  • Social, audio and video (multimedia content) will take on more importance 
  • It will be important to use technology to measure campaign results widely
  • Working from home will continue to be relevant 


It will continue to be important to showcase how you are `doing good’ as a business


One of the great things to come out of 2021 is the increased interest in sustainability in business. The great news for you in terms of PR is that business journalists are keen to have positive stories, there is enough negativity in the world.

Those business leaders who can showcase steps towards concrete sustainability plans or through community or charity partnerships will be in demand for press stories and comments.


There will be a continuation of the importance of local and regional press


Since 2020, local news and radio has had an unexpected rise of interest. With more of us working from home, the way we consume media has also altered. Local news will be a key part of many individuals and businesses’ PR plans for the coming year.


There will be a newfound increased importance on all marketing functions being integrated and working together – PR needs to fit seamlessly

Now, more than ever, there will be a focus on making sure your marketing and PR approach is perfectly coordinated. You will have a greater overall impact, and ultimately it will save you money by giving your campaigns a better return on investment. I suggest having one person in every marketing or comms team that is in charge of coordination. 


Social, audio and video (multimedia content) will take on more importance 

As we are still in the midst of a pandemic, many of our work has turned online. Similarly, as we stay at home, more of us spend time on our phones or gadgets, instead of going outside of our houses. Henceforth, it is vital that we continue to factor in the importance of social media and multimedia content in 2022. Many media publications now include social media, audio and video as part of their news and editorial content. 

Keep an eye on new platforms and the audiences they serve. For example, platforms like TikTok have grown exponentially in the last two years. If you are looking to target a younger audience, TikTok is inarguably one of the best possible ways to reach your desired audience. 


It will be even more important to use technology to measure campaign results

Technology is always growing and progressing, and that is the same in the PR world. With many marketing budgets being cut, showing the results of campaigns is vital. PR has a reputation as being a bit fluffy and hard to measure. This is absolutely not the case – there are several ways to showcase the results from PR, and they can be tailored to each client. Platforms such as Ace Media , Agility and CoverageBook are essential for us as an agency. 


Working from home will continue to be relevant

The percentage of people working from home due to the pandemic doubled in 2020. Due to COVID-19, the difference between home and work has become blurred, as many turn their home into a makeshift office.

Whilst it is practical for many people to work from home, many find themselves working longer hours, as they don’t have the ability to just leave their work behind. Without a commute or different workspace, it can be hard to enforce boundaries for your working day.

There are a few tips here 

Journalists will continue to be interested in how your business leads and manages it’s teams during uncertainty, so keep an eye out for opportunities to share your story.


I hope you enjoyed my little run down of what I think will come in the next year. May it be a happy and healthy one for you.

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