Admiring Agile Working Style


Yes, it’s true! We at Admire PR are going to be implementing a new way of working. I have decided to start running Admire on an Agile Project Management system! This exciting change will help us work more collaboratively as a team and prioritise our workload.


Here’s what you need to know:


What is Agile working?


Agile working focuses on breaking projects down into smaller steps that can be prioritised by your team, so everyone is aware of what needs to be completed first.  We shall be using  Scrum, a team management framework that aims to increase collaboration and productivity. Agile project management involves regular reflection and adjustments to gather feedback and ensure that the customer is happy. 


Starting with a vision, adapting to changes and conditions, and then homing in on your target helps your team produce beneficial results for your clients. The manifesto for Agile Development dictates their values:


  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working products over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.


The Scrum framework embraces that we do not know everything from the start and focuses on adapting to the inevitable changes that occur as we progress.


What are the benefits of Agile working?


Agile working increases transparency and encourages your team to build up a wide range of new ideas. It empowers people to trial and test decisions and reflects on their progress. Agile will build customer relationships and increase engagement by focusing on what will be the most beneficial to our customers. 


Using Agile, team members follow the 5 Core Values of Scrum to reap the most benefits.


  1. People must personally commit to achieving the goals of the team.


  1. Team members must have the courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems.


  1. Everyone focuses on the work and goals of the team. 


  1. The team and stakeholders agree to be open about all work and challenges that they face.


  1. Everyone must respect each other to be capable and independent. 


Agile working encourages trust and determination amongst team members and builds stronger connections with clients as you involve them throughout the process. 


What do we want to achieve from using Agile working?


As a PR company, we are focused on providing great service to our clients. With Agile working and the Scrum framework, we want to build stronger relationships with clients and encourage more customer engagement. 


We are focusing on building collaboration between our team members and breaking projects down into smaller tasks. This will help us prioritise and complete jobs to the best of our ability, focusing more on details and producing higher quality work for our clients. We will reflect and review our work together as a team and help each other discover what works and what doesn’t, increasing our efficiency as a unit. 


At Admire PR we are using Agile working and the Scrum Framework to help us improve our collaboration as a team as well as engaging more with our customers aiming towards the result of producing higher quality work and helping our clients shine bright!


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