A Blog About Blogging…

People can often be wary when it comes to writing and updating their blog pages. They can worry that if they share their expertise that business rivals will steal it. This leaves sad blog pages that are left abandoned with no new updates for years. Multiple businesses end up losing out on the advantages that can come from regular blog posts. 


One of the biggest advantages for your company is that updating your blog page cements your standing as one of the leading businesses in your industry. Gift your knowledge to others and become one of the best in your business. Creating a library of new blogs can also be used to create a whitepaper or book to demonstrate your expertise. As well as grouping your blogs, you can break your posts down into smaller chunks to be used as social media posts generating more awareness of your brand. Another great way of sharing your knowledge comes from guest blogging. This can help build your network, your reputation as an expert, and bring more shares, likes and business through social media. 


For those that are lacking confidence in your blogging skills, below is a list of top tips to get you past a blank document:


  1. Understand your audience – Knowing who your audience is can help you create the type of content that they are more likely to engage with. Ask your audience directly by testing ideas on social media and see what topics they respond best to.


  1. Provide value – You need to provide something that the public will want. If you don’t offer value your blog will be ignored and left unread. Identify through research what your readers find value in and demonstrate this in the content you create.


  1. Include images – Visuals are great at grabbing a scroller’s attention. People enjoy seeing pictures that break up the text, and images can encourage engagement with your blog post.


  1. Be true to your voice – Look at your brand guidelines, understand the tone of voice that you use on your website and social media and be consistent when writing your blogs. 


  1. Use simple language – No one wants to read an overly complicated piece of text, using formal language. Keep it simple and start the conversation by being more human, making it easy for your readers to understand.


  1. Keep it short – As well as not over complicating your language, generally people won’t sit there and read blogs that are too long. They want to easily skim through your blog and not get lost in the text. Whitespace will also help make an easy-to-read blog. 


  1. Insert a Call to Action – Guide your audience to the next step of their buyer’s journey. Your CTA needs to have a clear meaning and encourage your readers to take an intended action.


  1. Finally, spell and grammar check – It is imperative that you make sure that your blogs are proofread before publishing. You do not want to get a bad reputation by producing content filled with errors. Find someone else in your company to read over your work, they may find errors you missed.


There you have it. 8 simple tips to start blogging.  You do not have to post daily or weekly. Posting once a month is a good start to keep your audience interested in your content. Set a target, ensure that you stick to it and make sure your readers know when there will be an exciting new blog for them to sink their teeth into!

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