Brand Ambassadors, Influencers and PR

Brand Ambassadors & Promoting Your Business


What is a brand ambassador?

Brand ambassadors are your business’s biggest fans. They are people who will ‘big up’ your business and brand.

Whether you know it or not, your business already has people representing your brand:

  • Employees who are loyal, totally involved in the business and the brand and share your love for your business and the products or services you are trying to promote.
  • You, the business owner. 24/7 you represent your brand.
  • Genuine users of your products who spread the joy of your company via word of mouth, social media and blogs.



So, why do you need a brand ambassador?

Word of mouth is a brilliant and effective PR. I am half doing myself out of a job when I tell you this!

Having an agreement with a brand ambassador who genuinely loves your brand is fantastic advertising. They will speak positively about you and your business.


How do I reach out to brand ambassadors and what makes a good one?

Ask your customers who are loyal if they want the opportunity to help your brand and become an ambassador. You will need to give them something in return such as a discount or a free product.  

You can find these loyal customers by keeping an eye on your social media. Observe who mentions your business or is active daily. 

Brand Ambassadors do not need to be famous people. They can just be good customers who are regularly active on social media and keen to help promote your business.

Bloggers and social influencers can make excellent ambassadors, but again, I do want to reiterate how very important it is that they genuinely like your product or brand. The general public are wise to a non- genuine promotion. 

In some companies, you may not be able to use customers or their stories, but the people who work for you or are part of the company and they can be excellent ambassadors. 

Help your employees to become involved in the brand by sharing their stories, accomplishments and also their hobbies or charity fundraising. 

Whether your brand ambassadors are well-known or not, make sure you have an agreement in writing. This should describe what free products or discounts you will offer them and how much business promotion you require in return. Make sure this is detailed and the ambassador is aware of how often you expect social media mentions. This should also include whether you want to use their photo and whether you want them to wear your logo on occasions.



Equestrian Brand Ambassador Case Study:

At Admire PR we have had significant experience helping our clients to find the perfect brand representative for their business. 

Nicola Naylor | Equestrian Brand Ambassador

Nicola Naylor 

Nicola is a blind rider from Kent – she is an ambassador for several companies. She has regular national press in equestrian publications and in the wider press on the BBC and on regional news. She provides excellent PR support to the companies she represents through her Facebook and Instagram posts and through her wide reaching press coverage. 

For help to find a brand ambassador for your business, get in contact with us via the contact form or give us a call. 


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